IMHR National Hi-Point Program
Horse and Pony Nominiations
The IMHR National Hi Point Awards are designed to reward and encourage exhibitors to participate in many events to promote our breed and showcase our horses to a wider community. Horses or ponies can be nominated in three different categories:
Halter (Yellow Book) - All halter conformation classes (excludes head/colour/trot, progeny, group and any non-conformation classes)
Performance (Orange Book*) - All trail, lungeline and jumping events.
Driving (Green Book*) - All harness events including long reining.
*some older books may be yellow.
Nomination is done via the IMHR Online Shop and is a once-off fee that lasts a lifetime and is transferred with the horse or pony when sold or leased (ie. the book GOES WITH THE HORSE). It is also transferrable between Miniature Horse and Miniature Pony (and vice versa) if re-categorised. You will receive a Hi Point Book to record your results once your application has been processed. You may order additional copies once your book is full.
Handler Nominations
Handlers can be nominated in the following categories:
Youth Handler (Blue Book) - All youth handler, youth showmanship and youth best presented classes.
Youth Performance (Blue Book) - All youth-specific performance and driver classes.
Special Needs Handler (Blue Book) - All special needs handler, special needs showmanship, special needs best presented classes, special needs performance and special needs driver classes.
Youth Qualification
Youth being nominated must hold a current youth membership, or be attached to a current family membership.
Points can only be accrued while youth is a financial member.
Youth handlers must be aged between 3 years and 18 years.
Youth performance handlers must be aged between 5 years and 18 years.
Youth Hi-Point Books expire on the nominated individual's 18th birthday.
For more information on any of the Hi Point schemes, contact the Hi Point Co-ordinator
NOTE: Handlers under 5 years MUST have an adult to assist them in the ring. All handlers 8 years and under may have an adult to assist without penalty. Please review the IMHR Show Rules for further information regarding Youth Exhibitors.
Special Needs Qualification
Member being nominated must hold a current membership, or be attached to a current family membership.
Points can only be accrued while a financial member.
Definition of special needs exhibitor: those with learning difficulties, emotional or behavioral problems, or mental or physical disabilities.
For members aged 5-99 years.
NOTE: Special Needs handlers may have an assistant in the ring without penalty.
Using Your Books​
Record all qualifying shows, classes and placings (more info on the points system below). Have a witness sign it.
If you have reached one or more qualifying levels, you must return your book(s) to the Hi Point Co-ordinator (details on reverse of the book, check the contact us page for current addess if you have an older book) at least one month prior to the National Show to allow time to order plaques or trophies. Hi Point Awards are given out during the National Show, usually at the Saturday night dinner function.
There is no time limit to earn your points and you are not in competition with anyone else. You will be rewarded when your horse or pony reaches the qualifying levels.
Please note: Hi Point nomination fee is per category.
Points can be back dated 90 days from date of horse or handler being nominated (book will have a "start date" on the front)
More information - Hi Point Information
Award Details
Open Western/Agricultural Shows (B Class):
1st place = 3 points
2nd place = 2 points
3rd place = 1 point
Reserve = 2 points
Champion = 3 points
Supreme = 3 points
IMHR Feature Shows (A Class):
1st place = 3 points
2nd place = 2 points
3rd place = 1 point
Reserve Champion = 3 points
Champion = 4 points
Supreme = 4 points
IMHR State Shows (AA Class):
1st place (Champion) = 3 points
2nd place (Reserve Champion) = 2 points
3rd place (Top 5 – 3rd) = 1 point
Reserve Grand Champion = 3 points
Grand Champion = 4 points
Supreme = 4 points
IMHR National Show (AAA Class):
1st place (Champion) = 6 points
2nd place (Reserve Champion) = 4 points
3rd place (Top 5 – 3rd) = 2 point
Reserve Grand Champion = 6 points
Grand Champion = 8 points
Ruby – 50 points, Sapphire – 100 points, Emerald – 150 points
There are additional awards for horses (or handlers) achieving in more than one area (with bonus points):
Ruby Hall of Fame – Must achieve 200 points in any one section. (Bonus 50 points)
Sapphire Hall of Fame - Must achieve 300 points in any one section. (Bonus 100 points)
Emerald Hall of Fame - Must achieve 450 points in any one section. (Bonus 150 points)
Ruby Versatility – Must achieve 50 points in halter plus one other section. (Bonus 150 pts)
Sapphire Versatility – Must achieve 100 points in halter plus one other section. (Bonus 300 pts)
Emerald Versatility – Must achieve 150 points in halter plus one other section. (Bonus 450 pts)
Diamond Hall Of Fame
This is the highest & most prestigious award an IMHR horse can achieve.
This is awarded to a horse has reached 2500 points.
Nominated Horses & Ponies
List current 15/5/23