Frequently Asked Questions
Please read the list below before contacting the office.
For ONLINE SHOP FAQ please click here
1. How do I join IMHR?
You may join online using the IMHR Online Shop. If you prefer to use forms, you will need to go to the Forms page of the IMHR website and download the:
Send these with the applicable fee to the office (address on Work Order).
2. How do I register a horse or pony with IMHR?
To register a horse or pony in your name in IMHR, you must be a current financial member. You may register your horses and ponies using the IMHR Online Shop. If you prefer to use forms, you will need to go to the Forms page of the IMHR website and download the:
You will need to complete the Application for Registration, attach 2 photographs of your horse (one of each side). Ensure that the photographs are colour, clear and recent. Send the Application for Registration, Work Order Form, photographs and fee to the office. If your horse or pony is registered with another recognised society, please include a copy so that the pedigree can be included. If you do not know the parentage, please put ‘Unknown’. See note below for rules on parentage. As per the Constitution: For the amnesty period to 1 August 2015, parentage, as specified by the registered owner, will be recorded on the Association studbook and registration certificates. After this date, proof of parentage must be provided via stallion return, DNA or dual registration with another society recognized by the Committee. At that time, horses without confirmed parentage shall be listed with parentage ‘not on file’ until parentage is confirmed. Please refer to the IMHR Constitution for clarification on which alternate registrations are accepted as proof of parentage.
3. How do I transfer my new horse into my name?
One of the first things you must have is a signed transfer or receipt from the current registered owner. The current registered owner information is printed on the back of the certificate or you can check the IMHR Online Studbook.IMHR recommends the use of a Sales Contract at all times to protect both parties. You may submit the transfer for your horses and ponies using the IMHR Online Shop. If you prefer to use forms, you will need to go to the Forms page of the IMHR website and download the:
Ensure that both the existing and new owner (must be a current financial member) have signed this form. The person selling the horse or pony does not have to be a financial member. Problems with transferring a horse or pony include (but are not limited to):
- Horse/pony has changed owners a few times so the current owner is not the registered owner
- Current owner does not have papers as horse/pony was sold as a pet (or a variety of other reasons)
- Horse/pony was bought at a sale yard or auction without papers
- No paper trail of receipts to prove that the horse/pony has changed hands from the original registered owner
- Horse or pony is due for an upgrade (check the 'Valid To' date on the papers if horse or pony holds a Temporary Certificate)
Please note that IMHR does not get involved in ownership disputes. We will do our best to assist you however, the onus is on the BUYER to ensure that they are buying from the current registered owner and that they have all the paperwork in order. IMHR act in good faith based on the information that you provide. What to do if you find yourself in this situation:
1. Learn from it. You wouldn’t buy a car without getting the registration papers from the registered owner. Do not hand your money over without verification of paperwork.
2. Check the IMHR Online Studbook (remember it is not updated daily so check the date of the last update)
3. Check with the office in case there is paperwork pending in the office for a transfer.
4. Get a copy of everything the current owner has and make sure to get a receipt.
5. IMHR will attempt to contact the current registered owner on your behalf to see if they are happy to sign a transfer into your name however, they are not obliged to do so if you are not the person that they sold the horse to.
6. If the current registered owner is no longer a member the registration may be considered lapsed and you may be able to transfer it into your name upon proof of ownership via receipts etc..
7. If the status of the registration is ‘Sold To Non-Member’ then that indicates that they no longer have an ownership interest in the horse and you may be able to transfer it into your name upon proof of ownership via receipts etc..
8. If all avenues fail, you will need to complete a Statutory Declaration that you are the legal owner of the horse or pony. In the event that a dispute surrounding ownership arises, the horse/pony registration status will be revoked until a legal ruling has been made.
9. In all cases, the onus of proof is on the purchaser to prove that they are the legal owner of the horse/pony. IMHR will act in accordance with the evidence provided.
4. How do I upgrade my horse?
Once your horse or pony reaches 5 years of age you will need to upgrade the certificate from Temporary to Permanent. To do this you need to: sign the height certificate on the back of the registration certificate, attach two current photos (one of each side) and post with a Work Order and upgrade fee to IMHR Office. You may also perform this transaction in the IMHR Online Shop.
5. How do I add or change my Stud Prefix?
There is no fee to add or change your Stud Prefix. It is included with membership so you can nominate a prefix at joining time or advise IMHR later via email. Changes can also be made at any time. Always remember that Stud Prefixes may already be in use in other Associations and Societies including other horse breeds. Please email the if you want to add or change your Stud Prefix.
6. I have had my colt/stallion gelded. What do I do now?
Send a copy of the gelding certificate or vet receipt with your registration certificate to IMHR. Your registration will be updated to reflect the new status and a new certificate will be issued. There is no fee for this update.
7. Can I be added to or have my details updated on the Breeders List?
The Breeders List is a free service for all current financial members and is updated periodically. Ensure that the office has your latest information so that it will be correct online. Email for more information. The website breeders list is only updated periodically.
8. When do I need a Certificate of Soundness (COS)?
The Certificate of Soundness form can be downloaded from the Forms page. You may lodge your COS using the IMHR Online Shop. If you plan to breed with a stallion, you must have a COS on file with IMHR before submitting a stallion return. If your horse is registered with another society that requires a COS for permanent registration and your horse has permanent status with that society then you do not need to provide a copy of the COS but you must supply a copy of the permanent certificate as proof. The IMHR registration certificate will be updated with the COS information. If you require an updated copy of the certificate, you will need to pay the duplicate certificate fee using the IMHR Online Shop or via the Work Order Form.
9. My horse is more suited as a Miniature Pony - how do I change it over?
Send the original certificate, a note requesting the change and also the Work Order Form with payment for a Duplicate Certificate. The certificate will be updated and returned.
10. How can I work out my horse's age as at 1st August?
Try this handy calculator. Enter either the show date or if you want to know for registration purposes, enter today's date. Then enter your horses ACTUAL birth date.
Please Contact Us for more information.